Electric vibration test machine

Electric vibration test machine


Electric vibration test machine

  • Specifications
  • Parameters

Features:the device output shaft of light weight, strong rigidity, axial resonancefrequency is more than 4000Hz, so useless thrust is small, the maximum G valueis high and the high frequency limit available. With special support air bagdesign, bearing capacity, anti eccentric bearing ability. The double magneticcircuit design of exciter, the magnetic flux leakage isolation effect, will notinterfere with the object to be measured. The use of computer control, controlcurve can be displayed, with infinite space and test report printing function.With over voltage, over current, over temperature and over displacementprotection circuit; and various abnormal status indicator. All parameters canbe used in operation monitoring, such as vibration frequency, amplitude,velocity, acceleration and time tested, and the parameter setting is easy tomodify.

Specifications:Themaximum sine excitation force: 600Kg.f peak

The maximumrandom excitation force: 600Kg.f r.ms

The biggestshock excitation force: 1200Kg.f peak

Frequencyrange: 1 ~ 3000 Hz

The maximumdisplacement: 51 mm p-p